Monday, September 30, 2013


皆さん(みなさん)こんにちは! はじめまして。わたしはクリスタル・ワンです。ニュージャージー州(New Jerseyしゅう) からきました。コロンビア大学 (だいがく)の学生(がくせい)です。四年せい(よねんせい)です。どうぞよろしく。



  1. Hi, クリスタル! This is Saya, a freshmen of Ritsumeikan University. My major is business. I’m 19 year old. I live in Kyoto, which is very historical prefecture in Japan. If you have never visited there, you should come at least once in your life. I have been studying calligraphy for 10 years. If you are interested in that, you feel free to ask me! I have studies abroad in Canada for 11 months.
    I have some questions to ask you. Where are you from? What is your major? I want to know about you more :)
    These days, Tokyo is chosen to be the place for Olympic 2020. Have your place chosen to be for the Olympic?

    1. Hi Saya! My English name is Crystal, and I am a senior at Columbia University majoring in Applied Mathematics. I am 21 years old, and I live in New Jersey, which is about 20 minutes away from New York City. My town is famous for it's shopping malls -- we have 5 of them!

      I would love to visit Japan someday, but I will have to wait until I graduate and get a job so that I can afford to visit Japan. What are some of the best tourist sites to visit in Kyoto? I have heard that Tokyo is where the 2020 Olympics will be! Since I have a lot of family in Bejing, I was in Beijing for the 2008 Olympics. I actually watched a Japan vs China volleyball game. Do you play or watch any sports?

      Also, where in Canada did you study abroad? Did you like it?

      Even though I was born in America, my parents are both from Beijing, China, so I am a Chinese-American. My parents found me a traditional Chinese painting teacher, so I am actually very interested in your calligraphy. Please tell me more! Where did you learn it? Is it common in Japan to study calligraphy? Here is a link to some of my traditional chinese painting that I have done, if you are interested:

      I hope to hear from you soon! :)

  2. わたしも New Jersey からきました!Leonia からきました。

  3. Hi! I want to visit New Jersey to go shopping!!! The five malls!?!? That sounds exciting :) I unfortunately do not play sports now, but I had been belonging to valley ball team of elementary school when I was Gr. 3 to 6. I was not that good player. I am better doing art stuff! I love creating something. Wow, I am so glad that you are interested in Japanese calligraphy. I am learning it at small private calligraphy lesson studio. I do not know whether it is common or not, but we generally think it is better to have beautiful writings. So, parents who want their children to have beautiful writing for their life, they let them take a calligraphy lesson. In fact, I was one of them ;) I saw your paintings!! They are all beautiful and wonderful!! I enjoyed your art works :)

    1. That's okay, I am not very good at sports either. I play badminton for fun though. It's pretty cool that you played Volleyball before!

      That is so cool that you have private calligraphy studios. That is not very common in America, but my father also said that having beautiful handwriting means that your hands have strength. So he tells me that to have good handwriting shows that I have inner strength.
      Thank you for your compliment on my artwork!! ^-^
