Monday, September 30, 2013

Why I am Learning Japanese

There are a myriad of factors that piqued my interest in Japanese. Initially, I watched a lot of anime and Japanese dramas in middle and high school and became very interested in the culture. Even though I could only understand subtitles, I found the Japanese language to be very lyrical and pleasing to the ears. I also had many Japanese friends in high school, including one guy from Kyoto. One of the biggest reasons (embarrassingly) that I have an interest in Japanese culture is that I also love Japanese food and would eat nabeyaki udon every day if I could.

Not surprisingly, I was strongly discouraged from taking Japanese by my parents. My parents have the immigrant mentality of "practicality", and saw learning Japanese as a frivolous waste of time.  Also, because of the tensions between Japan and China in World War 2, my parents have a wee bit of a bias towards Japanese people. My parents did not like that I watched Japanese shows or wanted to learn Japanese, but now that I'm in college, I have more freedom to choose the classes that I wanted to take. Because of this, I decided to take Japanese purely for fun in my senior year at Columbia.

Although I have a very strong interest in Japanese, I am an Applied Mathematics major, and do not find learning languages an intrinsic skill of mine. It was only after taking Japanese that I became cognizant of how outside my comfort zone I was. Although I try to study hard, I feel that I am still slower than the other students in picking up new phrases and sentence structures. However, I will try my best with practice to speak Japanese well!

I am excited because I will be able to appreciate and understand Japanese shows more and hopefully eventually go to Japan to visit. Just last week, I was able to read a sign that said " ニューヨークすし" It was pretty cool.


  1. ...I find so much common experience from yours. Again, I find someone want to learn Japanese 'cause the interesting anime. I cannot live without it, actually.:)

  2. こんにちわ、Crystal-さん!日本語はちょっとむずかしいですね!いっしょにべんきょうしてください。がんばってください!

  3. Ahaha, everyone is learning Japanese because of anime!! Yay!!
    I completely agree with you about Japanese sounding pretty!!!!!!! And I'd love to go to Japan too, hehe > <
    I think it's awesome that you're learning Japanese because you want to even though you're parents told you not to ~!!
    And OMG we were together reading that sign :')

    1. Hehe, anime is a a pretty compelling reason to learn Japanese!
      Yes!! You were the one who pointed out the sign :D

  4. クリスタルさん、はじめまして。TAのさとうです。
    I liked your post and read it through without stopping! I am so glad you are enjoying your study of Japanese here, and it's amazing that you read ニューヨークすし!!I have heard some Japanese teachers say "Those who are good at math are also good at Japanese." So look forward to your future improvement of your Japanese!


    1. さとうさん、どもうありがとうございます!I hope to study hard and improve my Japanese as well!!

  5. Hi! That is why you started leaning Japanese!! I am from Kyoto, same as your friend. There are a lot of temple and shrines that are registered as a World Heritage Sites. You should visit those places when you come here! Oh, you like nabeyaki udon! Have you tried たこやき(takoyaki)? You should if you haven’t!! It’s my favorite :)
    I know there is tension between China and Japan. I hope those relationship will change positively and I wish there were more people like you in both China and Japan. I am so proud of you that you are learning Japanese even though your parents told not to do..! :)

    1. Hi Saya! I have not tried takoyaki before, actually! Maybe next time I go to a Japanese restaurant I will order it. I can't wait to visit Kyoto someday. The pictures of the temples and shrines look beautiful. It must be nice to live there.

      Thank you, I hope with time the tension between China and Japan will fade and the two can be good friends :)
