Tuesday, October 22, 2013


先週(せんしゅう)の日曜日(にちようび)、わたしはともだちと進撃の巨人をみます。進撃の巨人は日本製アニメです。進撃の巨人はとてもゆうめいです。そしてあたらしです。四月(よんがつ)のじゅうろくにちにはじめました。The premise of the show is that giant humanoid creatures called Titans (巨人), that range from 3 -15 meters tall, have taken over the Earth and forced the human race to retreat into a system of concentric walls. The Titans don't seem to be particularly bright, but their size, strength, and agility make them formidable opponents that have the ability to wipe out humanity. They eat humans, but for some reason don't seem to require them as sustenance. As most anime are, 進撃の巨人 is a little strange, but the art style is quite unique and beautiful (きれいい), and I look forward to watching the rest of the anime. とてもおもしろいです。In this anime, the protagonists are named Eren Jaeger (エレン・イェーガー) and Mikasa Akerman (ミカサ・アッカーマン). I look forward to more character development and awesome battle scenes.

わたしわアニメが大好き(だいすき)です。However, I have not regularly watched 日本製アニメ seriously since high school, and it was nice to get back into anime after deciding to take にほんごのクラスfor fun. Some of my favorite 日本製アニメ include Full Metal Alchemist (鋼の錬金術師), Code Geass (コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュ), Bleach (ブリーチ), Soul Eater (ソウルイーター), and Ouran High School Host Club (桜蘭高校ホスト部). I am also a big fan of Hayao Miyazaki and Satoshi Kon movies (For example, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, Castle in the Sky, Millennium Actress).

I would consider myself an animation junkie in general. As I am interested in art (see my portfolio: http://crystalywang.deviantart.com/ ) and one of my ridiculous dreams would be to work at Pixar someday. わたしの夢 (ゆめい)です!



  1. Wow! You know a lot of animes!! But unfortunately, I have not seen any of those you mentioned…but those sound interesting! I like 銀魂(ぎんたま)、スケットダンス(すけっとだんす)、スイッチガール(すいっちがーる). Have you heard of those? Those are more comedy anime. It’s fun to watch. If you have time please check those too!!
    Have you heard 風立ちぬ(かぜたちぬ)? I do not know how it’s called in English, but this anime is the newest one of the ジブリシリーズ(じぶりしりーず). This movie is the last one created by Miyazaki because he has decided to retire his job recently. That’s sad, isn’t it? It was really shocking news in Japan.

    1. Hi Saya! Thanks, I haven't heard of 銀魂(ぎんたま)、スケットダンス(すけっとだんす)、スイッチガール(すいっちがーる) but they sound very interesting. I will definitely check them out when I have the time.

      I did hear about ジブリシリーズ(じぶりしりーず)! It is sad that he wants to retire, but he has already made so many classic movies. I guess the fact that he is retiring makes the movies he's made even more special and valuable.

    2. Yes, you should check those out! It is very funny comics.
      And, yes. That’s true that ジブリmovie will be more famous, which is wonderful because it would be common talk among people from different countries.

  2. クリスタルさん、 わたしも アニメが だいすきです。 こどものとき、 ドラえもん と コナンを みました。 そして、 いまは ワンピースが すきです。 ジブリの アニメも すきです。 わたしの ともだちは しんげきのきょじんが だいすきです。 わたしは それは みていませんが、 おもしろいですか。
    だいがくの せいかつは いそがしいですが、 がんばってください。

    1. さちこさん!わたしもワンピースが すきです。
      はい、だいがくの せいかつは いそがしいですが、おもしろいです。
